Green Oxen was established in 2015 to provide homes and businesses architectural solutions that are 100% environment friendly by using recycled aluminum and produced from the power of the wind. When developing the branding the principles of strength, earth, and modernity led the formation of the logo, font, and overall style direction for the marketing and product positioning. 

The pricing of the products are at the higher end of the industry’s spectrum so the logo and look needed a commanding, memorable presence. 

Product Logos

Establishing The Brand

What sets Green Oxen apart is it commitment to sustainability, producing all products with recycled aluminum and powered by on-site wind energy.

When creating the Green Oxen brand, we tapped into the core principles of the products. Though all using light weight aluminum, there was a robust sturdiness to them that should be reflected in the brand.

Most of the products were then named after famous mountains such as Koli and Nevado. Each product logo was styled using the same motiff with clear contrast to the Green Oxen brand. The products are of modern minimalist design and their advertising is an extension of that aestetic. 

Strong Memorable Logo

The Logo had to do heavy lifting as something that is memorable but most importantly speaks for the brand and embodies the brands core principles. The result is confidence, prestige, and strength using a symmetrical shape that is half ox, half trojan warrior.

Use of white, unique greens, and silver

The color palette calls for clean and the strength of the silver, but the choose of green was a challenge. For something to stand out a dark olive gradient was established at the Green Oxen green, with bright highlights emerging on new pieces to give the brand a revitalization of energy. 

An Investment

Green Oxen is a high end brand and many of the products will need a large investment. In was important when establishing the branding to exude a brand and product that will be along for the rest of our lives.

Sustainable Modern Design

Using recycled aluminum for a high priced product is frankly contradictory in the mindset of the public so it was a challenge to articulate Green Oxen’s commitment to the environment. The material is not cheap, but recyclable formed together by the power of the Green Oxen wind turbine. 

The Numbers

Launching a brand and business from scratch is rewarding because success is easily measured by sales. Customers would remark they loved the logo or saw the ads everywhere, but monthly sales is the true barometer if the brand and its products are resonating with customers.

A cash flow of a modest 20k-30k could be expected with larger jobs bringing in much large revenue on ad hoc basis such as a condo building railing project. Articulating Green Oxen’s core principles in a stylish way resulted in bringing a business to life now 6 years old and counting.



Revenue Median

Video Views


Koli Modern Door System
Epulum Modern Railing
Vinson Aluminum Baseboard
Green Oxen Facilities
Epulum Modern Railing Configurator
How to Shorten Epulum Railing

Print & Digital

Once a visitor arrived on, they could explore videos, photos, use multiple configurators, but the action to download a product brochure is behind a  simple contact form with the user’s phone and email as inputs. The product brochures called for an appealing design as they were integral in producing leads for the sales team to pursue.  Strong use of photography and at times unusual sizing gave the reader a sense that what they are reading, like the product, is unlike anything they’ve seen before. 


Every Product Has A Brochure

Overall Green Oxen Catalog

Physical Prints Were Made for Showroom Visits/ Tradeshows

Lead with Photography

Show the product in a modern luxurious setting.

Tell The Story

Give information of how Green Oxen was born, how were the products invented, and how sustainability is central to how everything is produced. 

Articulate The Benefits 

The minimalist and modern design have some create benefits in the form of hardiness, maintenance, and replacement. Educate the viewer as to what are some practical benefits of the products beyond their aesthetic. 


After the lead has been introduced to the Green Oxen brand they investigate the company primarily through the website. On the site, the brand principles and a deeper dive into the products gives the user both a visual taste and a technical breakdown of how to order and what the purchase to install timeline is for each project.

Search Ads / Display Banners / SEO

For the most part, a user will see the banners after visiting a landing page, or website visit so the user is somewhat familiar with the brand. In order to make a memorable impress, Google Web Designer HTML5 animations were used to garner attention. Through elegant transitions such as fades, the ads gave the products a level of sophistication… as much as a few pixels can get.

Social Media

Because of the industry Green Oxen belonged in, some non-traditional social media platforms were used to create a following. At the forefront is Houzz, the picture saving home improvement platform. The products are even featured there to see in case a viewer was interest. Amazon, EBAY were also used for listings.

Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook followed the picture heavy Green Oxen posts. Many hashtags were used to increase traffic to the profiles. Customer quotes, promotions, and benefits of the products were used for additional content. An emphasis on sustainability and modern design threaded the posts together.


Epulum Railing for Big Projects…

The Epulum railing marketing targeted both construction companies (b2b) and the consumer (b2c). Pricing, promotions, even branding changed slightly, but Green Oxen approached local and out of state companies to help bring modern design to their building’s aesthetic.  Large condominiums, medium sized condominiums and large private estates have all purchased Epulum Railing for their construction.

And Small Projects

Many leads were brought in from home owners looking to spruce up their home’s railing. Some only purchased a single span or stair railing and even asked Green Oxen if they would install it for them. Many Houzz users and Google search users “stumbled” upon the brand and kept Green Oxen in mind for larger projects further down the road.

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

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