AccuPlace is behind many products that people all over the world use every day. Primarily, the company produces extremely accurate adhesive placement automation. That’s a lot of words that essentially means robotic placment of stickers like barcodes, qr codes, labels, and mechanical parts like turn signals and microprocessors on automobiles and computers respectively. 

The company also produced the first ever labortory slide label printer that has been used in almost all the labs all over the world. Both AccuPlaces brand pSlim printer and the identical product licensed and sold under Thermo Scientific.



pSlim Display Banners


Catalog &

Spec Sheets

Many of the world’s leading engineering companies searched for equipment to solve their assembly line needs. Once a user found the website and the downloadable spec sheets and catalog walked the engineer through what machine best suited their application. The pdfs needed to sell the machines, but also make the different specifications clear and unintimidating. f photography and at times unusual sizing gave the reader a sense that what they are reading, like the product, is unlike anything they’ve seen before.

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